[ASEC GO WRITING] The Highest Village in Java, published in Kompas Muda, June 14, 2013



Have you ever heard that Java has many high mountains such as Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Mount Sumbing, and Mount Sindoro ? You need to add another list, namely Mount Sikunir. Sikunir mountain is one of the best predicated mountain in South East Asia to see sunrise. The position of the peak is at an altitude of more than 2,400 meters above sea level (masl). The sunrise at Mount Sikunir often referred to The Golden Sunrise because of  landscape formations among other high mountains and cloud cover that moves always clear, become the main attraction. Before reaching Mount Sikunir, the climbers took enough time from Sembungan Village (the highest village in Java) that are in the area of ??Dieng. Parking fee at the stops closest to the hiking trail is IDR 2,000,- for motorcycle and IDR 4,000,- for car. Across Sambungan village is same as across the highest rural settlements. Each climb is always tinged with old pine reaches 4 meters, potato plants, tree of Carica (a type of Dieng small papaya that are usually made becomes sweets), as well as a variety of flowers. While visiting there in activities ASEC GOES TO DIENG, entourage of ASEC (Actual Smile English Club), english-speaking community for Indonesian youth with a unique program, the flower that always comes up is December Flower in blue and flaxen. This flower can bloom because it supported the local temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius. At night, the temperature in the Dieng area reaching 5 degrees Celsius.


What else that special about the Sembungan village ?

The village has installations of water pipes that distribute water from dam or lakes and other sources to reservoir in home. Uniquely, you need to know that the piping system  is not planted in the ground as well as in other places being walked or hit by a vehicle, but hung at the top with a height of about 10-15 meters. Diameter of the pipe is approximately 15 cm. There are anymore, the Village of Sembungan is included villages that passed by electricity supply pipeline from PT Geo Dipa. Another unique thing in Sembungan Village is shown by religious tolerance of Muslims and Hindus that is so tenderly. There are some major lakes and caves used Dieng Hindus to worship and take holy water as Nyepi or grand ritual. Dieng Hindu society is recognized as the ancestor of Hinduism in Java and Bali, according to the tourist guide who accompanied trips ASEC GOES TO DIENG.

Indeed, this are valuable and fabulous experience, we can directly watch on June 9, 2013! You should try and make sure get the best picture! Hopefully, we expected that will be appear young generation that concern and promote Dieng as well as their beautiful villages as  vital part of  economic’s support and edutainment in Java. If young people do a lot of adventure in places like this, it is not impossible if  other exotic places that have not been sufficiently exposed to be able to published. We would like to say thanks to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Wonosobo regency that has provided local access, facilities, and information clearly about the potential of Sembungan village and Dieng.

Finally, we just can say thank’s God for  this very beatiful scenery. The beauty of Sembungan Village, the beauty of Mount Sikunir, the beauty of Java, and of course the beauty of Indonesia.

You can also read the article at http://www.kompasmuda.com/Karyamu/TahukahKamu/TabId/200/ArtMID/736/ArticleID/295/Desa-Tertinggi-di-Pulau-Jawa.aspx

author : Emmy Yuniarti Rusadi

translator : Didit Setyo Pamuji.

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