ARD in UPN with Industrial Engineering Student Board (July 5, 2013)#Part 1


There were more than 15 persons attended the event in Ruang Sidang Teknik Industri, UPN Kampus 2 Babarsari, Yogyakarta on July 5, 2013 at 3.30- 6 pm. There are there speakers in this event:

1. Riza Fadholi Pasha (ASEC member from Student of Faculty of Geography, UGM)

2. Riyo Ramadhan (ASEC member from ISI Yogyakarta (a 3D artist))

3. Mohammad Syaban ( ASEC member from University of Andalas, IELSP Cohort X grantee)

All materries were more about how we can increase our English skill. First speaker was Riza Fadholi Pasha that brought us to a new perspective how to omit nervous and overcome that feeling if we get stuck when talking to a native speaker with English. Do not much mumbling is the best tips to continue the conversation. Then the second speaker was Riyo Ramadhan with his comparations between joining English course and English club. He gave the participants of ARD with some of tips getting ability in English. What the best statement he said was “YES WE CAN” meant if we have efforts from ourselves, there is nothing impossible in learning English. And last speaker was Mohammad Syaban who did his vacation in Yogyakarta with this jackpot to be a speaker. He shared his experience went to USA for joining his IELSP programme in Iowa. Big thanks for all speakers with their fun sharing too. Big thanks also for UPN and all participants. ASEC could listened your dreams and your high motivation in learning English. Grab that and don’t be shy to keep up learning English! Last but not least, keep Asseeekkkk!!!!! 🙂

Here, you can download the ppt made by the speaker:

Riza Fadholi Pasha: Speak Up Your Mind!


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