Dear, everyYOUTH
ASEC feels so proud by this announcement to you that one of our great buddy, Ravando Lie, has succesfully written this historical book.
He has graduated from Leiden University, Netherlands and one of inspirator also great supporter of ASEC. We copy his humble messages to invite you all. We do hope many youths can follow his way in contributing pieces to this nation, Indonesia.
For you in Jabodetabek area can also buy the book in Gramedia store. And for you are outside the area, please check it too. Can not wait to read this book “Dr. Oen: Pejuang dan Pengayom Rakyat Kecil”.
Mengundang rekan-rekan semua untuk berkenan hadir dalam launching perdana buku “Dr. Oen: Pejuang dan Pengayom Rakyat Kecil”. Acara akan diadakan di Balai Soedjatmoko (Solo), Jumat, 3 Maret 2017, Jam 19.00-21.00. Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Hermanu Joebagio, M.Pd. dan Dr. Abdul Wahid, M.Phil. Acara ini akan dipandu oleh Dr. Wahyuningsih.
Dikarenakan jumlah seat yang terbatas, dimohon untuk bisa hadir lebih awal. See you there.