ASEC Central Structure 2015’s First Gathering


Hello fellas! How is your day? Enjoy all day with a nice smile and be positive thinking always. Surely, at this time ASEC has a new stewardship 2o15. Wow, it is very interesting right? So well, for support it all we have a first gathering. That is be conducted on April, 17th 2015 at Balairung Gajah Mada University when time is 14.30pm afternoon.

We take it soon, first each new organizer asked for introduce theirselves. The most of organizers coming from around near Yogyakarta, but there is one from out of city. After  that we move to hall Balairung for discussing some job desk which is being responsibility in their field. Time for taking it a CEO of ASEC explaining to all organizers. Moreover, a founder of ASEC to do so well.

Then it has been until at 18.00pm and all organizers take praying for Maghrib in mushola near Balairung Library. A few minutes later, we are going to have Gala Dinner at Kedai Jamur. Before we have a discussion, we order some meals. All organizers look like enjoy it while just chatt each other. Finally some meals are coming, then our native speaker is too. We have discussed some issues, then organizers deliver their argument. Last, the discussion end after at 21.30pm. We feel such as tired while join this first gathering started afternoon. At the end we all come back and will do other agenda next time. That is all our first gathering guys! Hope all of you enjoy it. See you!


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