[GO WRITING] A Little Story Watching HABIBIE & AINUN The Movie


A Little Story Watching HABIBIE & AINUN The Movie

Writer: Astrini Novi Puspita (ASEC Finance Treasure)

Since a long time, I have passion to write in english but i never know how to have a great structure and grammar. I have been waiting person caring give me suggestion in order to improve this writing. This is my simple writing, just an idea after watching Ainun Habibie the Movie. Enjoy please…

On 17th of Januari, it was a pleasure time. Finally, after 1 month launched, I, mom, and Dian (my sister) had deal time watched Habibie Ainun The Movie. Yeah, that film has booming since it was launched at 15th of December. But it was weird when me and Dian couldn’t cry anymore as another. Instead we were laughing much at that time because of some advertising scenes inside movie. Like when Bunga Citra Lestari as Ainun had an honour to speech, Arlis, a friend of Ainun told with people to prepare Ainun make up using Wardah. Another amusing scene when “Sirup Markisa” was served to drink. At the end, a great laugh was there when a son of Ainun and Habibie came in bringing Gerry Chocolatos for Ainun.

Actually as an audience who antusiast with this movie, i cannot say that this movie has satistying my self. Indeed the only thought that come in my head just Habibie Ainun has being a great movie and that’s why so many marketeers advertised as being sponsor for the movie. Yap, disturbing or not, I just felt that whatever a great movie, advertising should not be allowed to disturbing the contain indeed make the story lost the soul.


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